Historical Building
Ardrossan United Church
The Little White Church pictured above was built and dedicated in 1910 in Ardrossan, Alberta. It was a re-build of the original, which was lost in a fire shortly after it was moved to that location.
The original church began it's life as the Fairmount Methodist Church in the country and eventually moved onto the town-site. It took a team of 12 horses and sleighs to pull the church. In 1915, an addition was built on to the Little Church to house the student Ministers while they were serving the local area.
As the local community grew, so did the congregation and in 1925 the church union was a reality. According to Ruth Dewitt in the History of the Ardrossan United Church Book, "By the 1950's the church found itself bursting at the seams and the demand for space prompted the building of a new church."
The newer and much larger building opened and was dedicated on November 10, 1960. The congregation continued to grow. Four local school bus drivers, volunteered their services to bus children from rural areas into town to attend Sunday School.
After 25 years, the church once again found itself in need of more space and built another addition. The building as we know it today was dedicated on January 18, 1987. Both the new and little church are still in use and the little Church has become a Provincial Historical Site.